PI Folio Demonstrating Versatility
The Kodak Plaques (1966-2005)
A few years after the establishment of the Stan Harrison Memorial Trophy for the Print Folio Demonstrating Versatility competition, this competition was extended to slides. A small Kodak Plaque was donated annually by Kodak Australia and engraved for the winner, an example of which is shown below. With the advance of digital photography in the 2000s, the Kodak Australia plant in Victoria was closed and the plaques discontinued. This competition has run biennially from 1988.
Example of a Kodak Plaque
Joan Carson in 2005 receIving the last Kodak Plaque ever awarded (from Duane Eaks, President). (CLICK TO ENLARGE)
The Heather Howey Trophy
Sadly Heather Howey passed away in early 2020. Heather was an IPS Life Member and, in addition to being an accomplished photographer, Heather served as IPS Secretary for 22 years, In 2007, IPS created a new annual trophy to continue on from the Kodak Plaques and named this trophy in honour of Heather.
Heather Howey (CLICK TO EXPAND)
The Heather Howey Trophy for PI Versatility Folio (CLICK TO IMAGE ENLARGE)
Recipients of the Stan Harrison memorial Trophy