PSA Interclubs
International competitions held throughout the year
IPS is a club member of the Photographic Society of America (PSA), an international association whose membership is truly international. For the first time, beginning November 2022, IPS will participate in 3 different PSA-organised Interclub competitions against camera clubs from around the world: Open Colour, Open Monochrome and Travel. The definitions for these match the definitions for IPS’ internal competitions. Each competition has three rounds over the year on the following dates:
15 November 2022
15 February 2023
15 April 2023
Each round requires submission of 6 PID images from 6 different club members. Entries will be chosen by the Competitions Committee from IPS internal competition entries that received Highly Commended or Honour awards, or other images that are deemed to have sufficient merit. The Competitions Committee will organise all submissions, so these competitions provide maximum exposure of members images with minimal additional effort. The primary benefit of these competitions is the feedback one will receive from the judges, but entry to these competitions also increases the international exposure of our members and your club.
Here are some of the new international clubs that joined the PSA Interclubs this year that we will be competing against:
Australian Horizon Photographic Club (this club won the APS Australian Cup in 2020)
Blarney Photography Club
Champaign County Camera Club
Edinburgh Photographic Society
Forster Digital Photography Club
Ivanhoe Photographic Society
Megrez Photo Club
New View Photography Club
Photography Club of Assam
Plano Photography Club
Redlands Camera club
Royal PC Zoom
State College Photo Club
Camera Club Of Hendersonville, Nc
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